NMS HOT POST 2024/02/14

Convince me I am wrong: with one important exception, grinding to get an S class freighter is a waste of time.

The important, totally legitimate, exception: you don't want an S-class because you NEED a freighter that's bigger, goes faster, goes farther, etc. You want an S-class because it feels good to have an S-class. You want to see the big orange "S" emblem when you open your freighter screen. That's its own reward. This is a totally legitimate, understandable, applaudable reason to spend as many reloading saves as it takes to get exactly the right one. It's your game, and you are having fun pursuing what you want.

For everyone else, who just want to use the freighter to play the rest of the game, although there are potential downsides of settling for a C or B, you save time in the end. Potential downsides and limitations: There could be a time when you cannot warp all the way to the next desired destination, so you have to jump twice. There could be times when you cannot store a stack of something because your freighter inventory is smaller, so you have to make two trips or something. Maybe a mission takes a few minutes longer?

The time and effort dealing with those inconveniences does not add up to the length of time and boring effort it takes to get an S-class if you're not lucky.

submitted by /u/ericoahu
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


NEXT PATCH 1.58 | 日本語パッチノート

UPDATE セーブスロットごとのマルチプレイヤーに対するユーザー権限を追加しました。可視性の設定、ダメージ+ベースの編集は、すべてのプレイヤー、友人のみ、または誰にも適用するようにカスタマイズすることができます。 地形の編集システムを改善し、地形を再生成する機会を減らしました。このシステムのさらなる改良が進んでいます。 プレイヤーの宇宙船の軌跡のビジュアルを改善しました。 惑星NPCからの使命プールに考古学ミッションを追加しました。 非常に大きなセーブゲームを持つプレイヤーが節約できない問題を修正しました。 セー…

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Supergriefer Returns

Today was yet another day for the Unlaid Brigade to pop in and start blowing holes in me, despite my game being set to “no PVP.”

Same scenario as usual: I’m working on my base (Euclid galaxy, planet “Walkadj Beta,” near the “Ealpha Base” featured in the Anomaly) and suddenly a rookie griefer pops in and starts trying the “Neutron Cannon” trick. I wasn’t taking direct or splash damage, so I let him finish his tantrum till his mom called him to feed his pet rat or whatever.

The NEXT crotchsniffer, however, had an interesting trick. Suddenly I’m taking purple weapons fire inside my base, and NMS is yelping about “heat damage detected!” There was no one near me that I could see; it sounded like fire from a ship.

I have a series of teleports set up for just this lame situation; in a few seconds and six teleports later, I was nowhere NEAR where I was, and underground, to boot. No way could anyone track me without a search.


The entire time I was hopping from one teleport to another, the weapons fire was on me the whole time. So, of course, I croaked. (This has to be a mod they sell to those underloved dudes who think Hot Pockets is a food group.)

So be aware: whatever trick these attention-monkeys are using, it doesn’t require line of sight. Or any skill whatsoever. (I hope you enjoyed your lil stiffie when you punched my clock, Flubber.)

For the record, I was able to grab a screenshot of this giggling feminine hygeine product. Or his gamer tag, at least. To the surprise of no one, his actual handle is “NMS Griefer.” On Xbox, I think? His icon is in my pic. He spends a lotta time on Walkadj Beta, taking people out and pawing at himself, I’m assuming.

I blocked and reported, of course, but man– these mods gotta go. It takes a special kinda “lame” to be douchey enough to ruin such a chill game.


submitted by /u/PizzaRohz
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Welcome to the new daily Q&A thread for NMSTG! You can now drop a question, provide answers or j...

Below are a few popular questions that we’ve received from our past FAQ thread. As always we ask that everyone be respectful and we welcome everyone’s contribution so have fun!

Q- I’m keen to start a new passive money making pursuit. What are some good ideas or guides post-Waypoint?

A#1-Gold farm, then take that stack and sell it at a terminal (not traders) in systems that sell gold. Sell all your gold to the terminal and crash the economy. Then buy it all back at 80% off discount. You just got free money and keep all the gold. All this takes is an initial investment on a gold farm, then you carry all that gold with you and just sell/buy back when you get to another system that sells gold. With 50 stacks in my ship’s cargo hold, I can make somewhere around 150 million units in each system I do this in.

A#2-Start a Farm, Fusion Igniters or Statis Devices Farm which will increase your profits to 100- 200 mil fairly quickly and you can even send out multiple freighter missions which will help you get aronium, magno-gold, Enriched carbon and more which will increase the profits even more.

A#3-Quickest way I’ve found to make a TON of units: Harvesting Storm Crystals. Find a VERY hot planet that has frequent fire storms. DURING STORMS ONLY – you can see the bright white light from Storm Crystals if you fly around low enough. Fly to them, land, quickly harvest them, get back in your ship and fly to the next before you burn up.

Q-How do I get the Advanced Mining Laser? I don’t have the option to craft one, and the multi-tool upgrade vendor at the space station doesn’t have the blueprint for sale.

A-In order to get it, you have to look for the blueprints in crashed ships or abandoned facilities. You get it from the main story (awakenings) or you can buy it on the anomaly.

Q-What do I actually do in the game? I finished the tutorial, is there anything else beside gathering stuff, building a base and repeat?

A#1-It’s really whatever you want, there’s a base story, (assuming you haven’t completed it already), follow the quest log and you’ll figure it out, but things You’d want to do for end game? You can collect multiple multitools, ships, built a fleet for your freighter, etc.

Q-Is there a planet that is populated by many players, and they built their base close to each others like a city?

A- Yeah its the Galactic Hub Project, Its a place where many people have bases and each day the numbers grow. Please help yourself. There are many factions in NMS that do this, even NMS Pirates Hub.

Q-I’m still pretty early into the game, just making my way to the center of the galaxy, what should I be spending my credits on?

A-Go hang around a outlaw/pirate trading post. Cheapest S-class start at around 8-8.5 million without a trade-in. I recommend Vikeen pirate, as then you have two good and 1 remote chances at high-maneuverability S-class: fighter, solar, exotic.

submitted by /u/liftheavy2003
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I died

So last night I fell asleep playing the game. This morning I turned the ps4 on and the game was already on, my player was next to my base and a grave was floating next to me. When I fell asleep I was far from base. My guess is I respawned at my base an…

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As a Day 1 player, the feature I'd like the most right now...

…is Vortex Cubes as base decorations.

I’m 100% serious. A very small, simple request. I want to be able to place Vortex Cubes all over my bases.

Why? For all my fellow Day 1 players, you remember back when the game launched in 2016 when Vortex Cubes ruled the entire economy pretty much? If you found a planet with Vortex Cubes, you hit the jackpot, and you stayed there and grabbed all that you possibly could to turn in at trading posts to buy a new starship. Sometimes, they even looked like this on planets.

Vortex Cubes also were used to craft one of the hyperdrive upgrades before NEXT dropped if memory serves.

Now? They’re barely worth anything. They can’t be crafted, can’t be cooked, or refined, they don’t even drop Tetracobalt anymore. They’re just used for selling to make a very small amount of units.

The way I see it, just add them as base decorations at least to let us build cool stuff with them.

Just my two cents. Call it nostalgia for NMS 2016 if you must, but seeing Vortex Cubes in game always takes me back. I just want to be able to actually DO something with them again. What do you all think?

submitted by /u/Jamey4
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Can I create a custom squadron from ships I would be scrapping otherwise?

So here’s what I was thinking. You can hire an NPC to your squadron from any space station for example, right? Now what happens if BEFORE hiring them I buy their ship by swapping it with one of my ships that I would be scrapping otherwise? Will I get THAT ship to join my squadron?

Obviously it depends on the pilot too how well they will do in a fight, but this way I could have a squadron made up of Living Ships or fully equipped Sentinel Interceptors, right? Or, in theory I can claim the Starborn Runner as many times as I want if I’ve finished the expedition, can I just keep selling a Starborn Runner by swapping with them AND hire said pilot equipped with the Starborn Runner now? Can I have a full squadron of them?

I’ll test this out soon with a sentinel that I’d scrap otherwise and get back to you, but if this works I think it is huge, so much potential to create an amazing fight squadron this way!

submitted by /u/Sn00PiG
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Can I create a custom squadron from ships I would be scrapping otherwise?

So here’s what I was thinking. You can hire an NPC to your squadron from any space station for example, right? Now what happens if BEFORE hiring them I buy their ship by swapping it with one of my ships that I would be scrapping otherwise? Will I get THAT ship to join my squadron?

Obviously it depends on the pilot too how well they will do in a fight, but this way I could have a squadron made up of Living Ships or fully equipped Sentinel Interceptors, right? Or, in theory I can claim the Starborn Runner as many times as I want if I’ve finished the expedition, can I just keep selling a Starborn Runner by swapping with them AND hire said pilot equipped with the Starborn Runner now? Can I have a full squadron of them?

I’ll test this out soon with a sentinel that I’d scrap otherwise and get back to you, but if this works I think it is huge, so much potential to create an amazing fight squadron this way!

submitted by /u/Sn00PiG
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FREIGHTERS, my newest

I missed out on a lot of great stuff, not playing the first several Expeditions. Here in the NMS Reddits, I saw lots of talk about freighters. Naturally I got curious about them. I chose one, then learned that there are two basic classes of freighters. The very common System Freighters, and there are a bunch to choose from. Then, there are the Capital Freighters. Now comes in three flavors, Sentinel, Venator and Pirate Dreadnought. I have flown in all three, and now, in each of their variations. Though, until today, never even one ‘S’ Class.
I was doing the time pulsing my starship around trying my best to scare up just one Organic Frigate. I went to my Pirate freighters bridge, thought better of taking my Capital ship in first, and short teleported to the Hangar Bay, jumped into a new Sentinel starship, launched, then opened the Galaxy Map. I chose a nearby Pirate controlled system. And, jumped. Arrived smack in the middle of a big battle, with a Pirate Dreadnought attacking a big Venator Resurgent freighter. Aw, why not… I flew right to the rear of the Pirate, shot up all its warp engines, then eased up into the Shield Gen channels, blew all of those out, got the message to go get or destroy the Pirate ship….as usual, ya have to dock in its landing bay just to see what class it is and all that. I did, saw it was a C and that one lost out instantly. I flew out and shot it to bits. Then, just for giggles, I thought to check out that big ol Resurgent. I have two in other saved games, but alas, never an S Class. When I landed, I used F to check the deck for its info. What?! An S class??!! COOL! I exited, called in my Pirate Freighter, landed back in the Resurgent, ran up to the command deck (it’s forward!) (ha!) and I was gonna buy it outright. BUT the game has other ideas. It let me trade mine for this one. Oh gee, a B class loaded up at 193 millions for this S class at 23 millions? HECK YES IT’S A DEAL! Units. Nanites. Quicksilver. I gots them! I now also have a lovely S Class Resurgent level Venator type Freighter! FINALLY! I HAVE ONE! Yeah all it takes is just stumbling on one, lucky as THAT! LOL! Thanks for listening in folks, this was fun!

I finally GOT ONE! Yaaaay ME! :oD

submitted by /u/THE-McGrandpa
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