
Weekly Bug Report Thread

This thread is followed by Hello Games. Please add your bug reports to this thread. You can also report bugs to Hello Games at the Zendesk. Before reporting a bug be sure you have installed the latest Patch or Hot Fix, information is located on this page. Please include platform and version.

This weekly thread is to help keep bug reports manageable. It is a scheduled weekly thread and not related to any specific release. You do not have to repost bugs to this post if you have already reported them on a previous post.

If you’re requested to send your save file to Hello Games see this post

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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With all the buzz for ship customization in the community I'm surprised I haven't seen more discussi...

Hello Games is definetely listening to us when we say we want to be able to customize our own ships and I believe the Voltaic Staff was not only a new thing they wanted to add but also a way for them to test a system for us to actually customize something part-by-part and then by color.

I thought the system worked well except for having to create a whole new staff if you found a new part. There’s also the state of contention on whether or not it’s better to unlock parts permenantly like in the player customization system or if the parts should be as they are, cosumable. I know why they chose to make them consumable, HG doesn’t want to do anything to harm or discourage players from exploring No Man’s Sky. Their procedural, 18-quintillion planets is their top selling point and it needs to be explored and all things involved or added should not only encourage exploration but compliment it.

That being said, I think if ship customization is added, the parts should be found through missions and exploration, like the current voltaic staff customization, but due to the vast, growing types of ship and their parts and colors, they should be permenantly unlocked upon discovery.

There is also something I’ve been feeling that I may be alone in but the newer ship-types(sentinel, solar, living, and the new expedition ship) all have unique upgrades and animations that are beginning to overshadow the use and cool-factor of the original types. If ship customization is implemented should it only be for the original types or for all types and if for athe newer ones as well would that then make them less special or even lesser than the latter by way of not being able to customize them?

Food for thought. Penny for yours. I’d love to see what the community thinks about this.

submitted by /u/Nowhereman50
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Hello games should be incredibly proud of themselves!!!!

Let me start off by saying that when this game launched, I was on here pretty much wanting Shawns head on a plate lol, I felt very decived. The game was not at all what was promised.

I recently came back, and all I can say is WOW! This game is an absolute masterpiece. All the updates to correct a messy launch from an independent developer should make half of the triple A studios ashamed of themselves.

I’m not going to go on and on, but hats off to Mr. Murray for the dedication he put into this game, turning it around like no other game in history has.

This game is totally amazing!!!

submitted by /u/hammerhawker
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We did it!

Rendezvous 5 has been 100% scanned, the achievement has just come through. Well done everybody! Edit: it looks like we’re all receiving the same glitch when accepting the reward. Everyone report it to hello games! submitted by /u/ChickenC…

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is ATLAS a demiurge?

in the lore the atlas is just the ai of the machine that makes the in game universe, a machine that’s breaking down and “dying” very slowly in game but “irl” there is 16 minutes until the servers shut down (lore not really) so would the atlas be …

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My current ship collection

My current ship collection

I’ve currently got hold of a few good ships. The 3 Interceptors are my favourite designs I’ve found. I said I wouldn’t replace my red fin-wing Interceptor unless I found a blue and orange one… it was the next one I found. Currently the Ra Cailum and the Ethereal are my go-to favourites. The Sandstorm is my only purchased ship from before Orbital that I’ve clung to. It’s never let me down, why get rid of it?

submitted by /u/HardyMackintosh
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