
5 Years Ago ❤️

Five years ago I wrote this:

“I cannot wait to boot up the game and just walk in any direction, exploring. To see what’s behind that cliff, or what’s inside that deep mysterious cave. Imagine climbing a mountain during sunset and just take a break up there. Hearing the wind and see how day slowly turns into night. Seeing blinking stars appear in the nightsky. Knowing that if you want to, you can get your own spaceship and visit those stars. I’m definitely ready to lose myself in this game. Experience the feeling of being completely lost somewhere and not knowing what to come next”.

This dilemma still holds up to this day.

It’s one of those games you can play however you want. As an adult with a full-time job and family, I value the chill exploration. No need to “keep up” with anything.

The link below is an email I wrote to Hello Games in September 2016:


With an incredible team as HG and their hard work, I can’t be anything else than grateful for what you’ve done for the game and yet alone, the community ❤️

Thank you.

// M a r c u s

submitted by /u/Artic1994
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Fractal 4.14

Hello everyone, Thank you to everyone playing the Fractal Update, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk or console crash reporting. We are listening closely to your feedback, and have identified and resolved a number of issues. These fixes are included in patch 4.14, which is live on Steam…. View Article

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Do you think Hello Games will ever update the water graphics in NMS?

With all the cool updates we got over the years, this is one thing I keep hearing people put on their wishlist when speculating about the next one. And every time a new update is released and this is not included, I can’t help but be a little disappointed.

I think this is the one thing that’s still pulling NMS back graphically. This is the one thing that is still making the game look inferior to that infamous first trailer, which had better looking water animation. But even if I ignore that, just having a look at water in the current game does not do justice to the rest of the world design. Water sticks out like a sore thumb, it just doesn’t look good.

I’m guessing most people have seen the mods, we know it can be done. I know that this isn’t a gameplay feature, but I still think it would be a fundamental improvement to NMS. Do you think this is as important as I do or not really?

submitted by /u/Zeldiny
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Is there a way to break out of the jousting loop during space combat?

I find that going around and around in circles and going literally head to head is kind of an annoying way to fight. I feel like I’m doing something wrong. I thought it would change after I made a fighter but now that I have an a class highly maneuverable fighter and I’m still space jousting I don’t know what to do.

submitted by /u/PerfectSageMode
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