
My Request to Hello Games

I submitted this request to Hello Games for settlement improvements (I include it merely for anyone who wishes to read it). What ideas do you all have to make settlements more relevant and fun?

I really love the idea of settlements. Even though this is technically an MMO it can get quite lonely in space. I like the idea of being in charge of something and helping it grow. Unfortunately, it feels too disconnected. Trying to interact with the citizens only gives you the option to leave. When there is a matter to be discussed, it is never in person. Any visitor, dispute, or proposal is done through the comms system. It would be great to have citizens show up at the office with their complaints, to go to the town hall and see everyone voting on proposals. To attend farewell and welcome events for missions. It would be great to be able to use things like the dance hall. That was another thing, inconsistency. It had me build a dance hall but dancing was still banned. It would be nice instead of waiting for options f we could inact them. I would love to make the active choice as overseer to unban dancing and not just wait for that option. I’d also love to be able to live at the settlement. I would love to have a place of residence that I can modify and expand (like a freighter). Having to cheat by building a base on the outskirts and moving inwards isn’t as fun. Making settlements a lot more dynamic would be a ton of fun. Being able to allow friends to buy homes there would also be cool.

submitted by /u/wildBcat2
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Weekly Bug Report Thread

This thread is followed by Hello Games. Please add your bug reports to this thread. You can also report bugs to Hello Games at the Zendesk. Before reporting a bug be sure you have installed the latest Patch or Hot Fix, information is located on this page. Please include platform and version.

This weekly thread is to help keep bug reports manageable. It is a scheduled weekly thread and not related to any specific release. You do not have to repost bugs to this post if you have already reported them on a previous post.

If you’re requested to send your save file to Hello Games see this post

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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With all the buzz for ship customization in the community I'm surprised I haven't seen more discussi...

Hello Games is definetely listening to us when we say we want to be able to customize our own ships and I believe the Voltaic Staff was not only a new thing they wanted to add but also a way for them to test a system for us to actually customize something part-by-part and then by color.

I thought the system worked well except for having to create a whole new staff if you found a new part. There’s also the state of contention on whether or not it’s better to unlock parts permenantly like in the player customization system or if the parts should be as they are, cosumable. I know why they chose to make them consumable, HG doesn’t want to do anything to harm or discourage players from exploring No Man’s Sky. Their procedural, 18-quintillion planets is their top selling point and it needs to be explored and all things involved or added should not only encourage exploration but compliment it.

That being said, I think if ship customization is added, the parts should be found through missions and exploration, like the current voltaic staff customization, but due to the vast, growing types of ship and their parts and colors, they should be permenantly unlocked upon discovery.

There is also something I’ve been feeling that I may be alone in but the newer ship-types(sentinel, solar, living, and the new expedition ship) all have unique upgrades and animations that are beginning to overshadow the use and cool-factor of the original types. If ship customization is implemented should it only be for the original types or for all types and if for athe newer ones as well would that then make them less special or even lesser than the latter by way of not being able to customize them?

Food for thought. Penny for yours. I’d love to see what the community thinks about this.

submitted by /u/Nowhereman50
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Some questions from a relatively new but also old player

I bought this game a very long time ago because I thought it would get a lot better, and I wasn’t wrong! I’ve mostly ignored it for years, but I decided to get back into it, and now I’m hooked on the few game mechanics I’ve found so far. I do have a bunch questions since I’ve seen the game evolve so much:

  • Can players truly come across each other outside of the Anomaly? On one hand, it’s probably pretty rare, but on the other hand, two players found out they were 4 star systems apart on Launch Day which is how the multiplayer claim was disproven, so maybe it isn’t all that rare.

  • What makes a ship able to be broken into parts? While Sentinel ships can’t be broken into parts, only half of the normal wrecked ships I’ve brought in had that option, it was grayed out for the other half. I don’t see a pattern.

  • Is there a way to give player Sentinel ships a purple Sentinel Cannon? I love that purple color and don’t like that it reverts to the blue color of the Photon Cannon.

  • Is it possible to come across an S-Class dreadnought? I captured an A-Class one, and I collect A-Class Sentinel ships but have heard S-Class ones exist, so do they?

  • If I accept a Sentinel interceptor salvage quest, abandon the quest, then destroy the ship, why do I get a standing decrease as if I destroyed a civilian craft? Is this a bug or a mechanic I don’t understand?

  • What are the odds we’ll ever get an update to Communication Stations? I too fell victim to curiousity, I thought that it was like player Gyroids in Animal Crossing where other people can interact with them to be told the message I enter, but I had to go far away from my base, dig to the lowest point, and place a new one there to “get rid of” the one in my base. Additionally, none of the save editors that exist at the moment let you edit placements in bases, and even more strangely, no mods exist to add a delete function to them, which you think there would’ve been by now.

  • If Euclid is the first galaxy, and by extension the most played, why have I entered dozens of systems but have only found one or two “Discovered by Playername” ones? Surely I can’t be the first to find these, and I see lots of posts here about finding user-created planet names.

  • In my base-building window, I have some un-viewed wood parts, but none of them have the indicator that they’re new. Is it stuck like that?

  • The Custom gamemode removed a lot of the reasons I stayed away from the game, however one gripe I have is that disabling component damage doesn’t do so when going to a new galaxy, but does when starting the first tutorial section, both of which damage all your ship components when component damage is turned on. I keep forgetting I fly Sentinel ships so I often have to walk for many IRL hours to reach somewhere I can buy a temporary ship off of a random NPC, but luckily I’m always stacked on credits because I don’t have much to spend it on. Is this the intended behavior?

  • Speaking of the previous point, I have hundreds of millions of credits, what do I spend it on that’s worth it? I recruit every pirate frigate I come across after battles but it’s still not enough.

  • This is more of a nitpick than a question, but whenever I fire the Photon Cannon or Sentinel Cannon, I can see a blue straight line appear that’s not a part of the actual projectile. I assume this is what’s actually registering the hits but it looks jank and I don’t remember it being there before.

submitted by /u/goody_fyre11
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It's just me who thinks travel between Galaxies is overly punitive and tiresome

It's just me who thinks travel between Galaxies is overly punitive and tiresome


Just clarifying, I know the drill. Go to a Portal, and travel to the closest planet to the core. Swap to a ship and multi-tool used only “to break” by the jumping. Remove all the exosuit upgrades then head to the core and jump. Wait for all the jump animation to finish. When you arrive, build a base in the new galaxy, fix the ship to allow it to fly, find another portal, activate the glyphs, and repeat the process.

If you want to have access to all galaxies without depending on anyone you will need to do it at least 255 times! And even though the steps above reduce the cost of the trip, you still need to spend fixing the ship, activating portals, warp cells and building a base. Also unless you do all 255 galaxies in one run, which can take hours, you will need to remove and return your upgrades every time you stop and restart this process. I have more than 40 upgrades in my exosuit tech storage. Because they are already optimised to use the supercharged slots, I need to move these upgrades in a way to keep them in the same slot when I return them, which is very time-consuming in not a good way.

Another issue is that in the end, you will have your base list so cluttered with bases to access galaxies in your terminal, that will make it a nightmare to find the base you need, given the teleporter has no sorting or search options.

It doesn’t make sense to me. I mean it is a game in which the main focus is “exploration“, what is the point of making it so hard and annoying to explore other galaxies?

What I am asking is simple, the possibility to travel to any galaxy without someone’s help or the need to catalogue all galaxies.

There are many ways that it could be done. Here is one example that could be made without changing the current mechanic too much:

In this idea Atlas Station is connected to one and only one of the 255 Galaxies. So we need at least 256 Atlas Stations in each Galaxy. The community will have the role of identifying which A.S. is linked to each galaxy. My point to suggest using the Atlas Stations is because they are a cool feature that, after the “Atlas Path” mission, become kind of useless, a glorified Iteration Helios, also I think it makes some sense in the game’s lore.

My suggestion:

  • The player travels to the Atlas Station linked to the galaxy he/she wants to go.
  • In exchange for something (maybe a Heart of the Sun, to give some use to these bunch of blueprints we get during Atlas Path), you get a token for the Galaxy you are going from the Atlas Station.
  • You keep that token in the exosuit or ship inventory.
  • Then the process is the same as the current mechanic. You head to the core and jump, things still break, but instead, it takes you to the next galaxy, it will take you to the token’s galaxy.
  • After the jump token is consumed and removed from your inventory.
  • If you are not carrying any token, it will take you to the next galaxy as it is currently.
  • If you are carrying more than one token, the priority will be the one in the top leftmost slot of the Exosuit.


  • Give the player the freedom to fly to any galaxy, any time.
  • Don’t change the current mechanic, just add a new feature.
  • Avoid unnecessary bases cluttering in the teleporter.
  • It is way cheaper than the current mechanic, once you don’t have to jump to each galaxy to get the one you want.


  • It is less but still annoying, moving upgrades, fixing things, etc.
  • If you want to visit all the galaxies, that solution doesn’t help.

There are other solutions that could make things even easier, like using the Atlas Stations as a portal in itself, nothing breaks, etc. But I think it’s good not to make things too easy either, just not as punishing as today.

I hope HG address that one day.

submitted by /u/Cristiano7676
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