NMS HOT POST 2021/08/31

As A Day One Player, I Hope Frontiers Does Something About Exploration and the Procgen

I was originally sold on the game when it was first announced by the very first trailer that came out showing those awesome alien worlds and all of the cool creatures and landscapes. I’ve been around for all the updates, and while they have added much needed missing things to the game and things that go along with the original vision for it, I feel that if Frontiers doesn’t include updates to the procgen or anything that makes exploration worthwhile then it’s not the update for me, sadly 😐 I don’t play multiplayer and I honestly don’t care for base building. The whole reason why I got the game years ago was to explore cool looking alien worlds and see crazy creatures. They’ve left the procgen aspect of the game relatively untouched because at the moment everything you see are just variations on a theme and the procgen only comes up with so many things and I think they’ve been holding it back instead of truly letting it go wild. The same assets are constantly being used over and over and seeing the same types of creatures and same types of landscapes honestly gets tiresome 😞 The game might have a ludicrous amount of planets, but in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter if they all end up looking alike just with slight differences here and there. I want exploration to feel new and exciting, where planets have unique POIs for people to discover and you also see unique creatures that don’t look like the same ones everyone else is seeing. Every ice planet, toxic planet, hot planet etc. all end up having the same kind of landscape and flora/fauna and it gets predictable knowing what’s going to be on them. I know a lot of people talk about it, but I just wanted to get my thoughts off of my chest as well. The game is great, and I love all of the free updates they’ve added, but for us explorers I feel there’s something left to be desired.

submitted by /u/TrevorxTravesty
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


Everyone's been so riled up since 4.0, meanwhile I'm just filled with childlike joy that I can play ...

The conversation about tech slots and activated Indium has really sidelined just how great a job they’ve done with the Switch port.

There’s definitely some roon for improvement with the UI, touch screen integration, and expansion of custom game settings, but goddamn, the game feels really smooth considering its “only” 30fps.

And while there’s obvious graphical compromises to make this miracle port possible, its not nearly as compromised as I’d expected, and it packs in a surprising amount of detail. I notice distance objects tend to blur a little when you’re on the move, but when you come to a full stop the details sharpen up pretty quick, there’s obviously some clever ‘hierarchy’ the game has to determine what needs to look clear and what can be subordinated in a given frame. The results won’t be as flattering in a side by side with high end PCs, but it does a great job of giving your brain enough details to fill in any gaps subconsciously.

And some nice shading and lighting techniques are preserved from the main consoles /PC build, especially that sun-kissed translucent effect that massive funghi tend to have when the sun’s hitting the right angle.

The work they’ve done in previous updates on the overall scale of the world and its relative asset sizing translates well to the small screen, giving the impression of inhabiting these massive planets with imposing mountains, dense woodlands, and intimidating cave networks that feel easy to get lost in without a terrain manipulator as a last ditch “fuck outta here” measure. For a handheld game, the world it presents feels bigger than it has any right to be on such a dinky platform.

And the autosave system clearly seems designed with the Switch’s pick-up-put-down gameplay ethos. I don’t think I’ve made a single manual save since starting up a new save post-4.0. (Constructed save points still do double duty as permanent nav markers, so nothing is really lost here.) And with the new custom game parameters you can opt in to useful features that reduce the moment to moment busywork that might otherwise feel laborious in context of the ’20 minute loop’ that Switch lends itself to by its portable nature.

All in all, I’ve been playing since 2016 launch, and this is the most significant platform-driven update I’ve played since PSVR. (And we’ve still got the second-generation VR update to come!)

To be frank, I’ve often felt like I often preferred the ‘idea’ of No Man’s Sky and what it represents as a sandbox experience, rather than the more mundane reality of actually playing it. Maybe it’s the long boot times on PS4, but I often felt like the friction points of the grinding loop kept me from sinking into more substantive play sessions, and as a result I’d usually just derp around until my launch thrusters ran out, then not be bothered to go refuel, and so my playthrough would just fizzle out.

Now it’s on handheld, and it’s got custom game modifiers to tailor the moment to moment gameplay, I’ve found a sweet spot where I’m actually focused on doing the story, heading to galactic core, etc, and not getting bogged down in minutiae every time my mining laser or launch thruster runs out, nor getting slowed down by sprint being tied to life support systems. The pace of my moment to moment gameplay finally lines up with the spacefaring fantasy I picture in my head when I think about what No Man’s Sky represents.

So yeah, I think that’s pretty cool. 😊

submitted by /u/tom_oakley
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