
PvP On by default makes no sense.

I just researched and it seems that No Man’s Sky offers no rewards for killing other players. I just read that you can’t loot other player’s graves or get loot from their ships.

I just bought the game cause I was really, really hyped. I went to a featured base cause hey, it’s featured and it looks amazing!

I spend all my credits that I got from scrapping a couple A-Class ships I found into 150 navigational data (in order to find more ships to scrap) and a bunch of resources to build a base and upgrade my gear. I had no weapons other than the mining beam, and no shields.

I enter the base.

I see a player. I look at them. I prepare to do the hand waving emote. He kills me before I can do it. Chat says I died due to multi-tool combat.

No biggie, I can just grab my items from my grave.

The player searches for me at spawn. Kills me again. Then skedaddles out of there with their ship.

I grab my second grave. No items. I look for my first grave, the one that’s supposed to have my items in it. Not there. There’s random terrain there now. Did they add terrain in to de-spawn my grave? My entire inventory, gone.

Now I don’t even have 50 ferrite dust to repair my now broken multi-tool.

And according to a Google search, this player gained nothing from this.

Why does No Man’s Sky have PvP against everyone enabled by default without telling the players, with the possibility to lose your entire inventory, even though no one gains anything from it?

It just seems like No Man’s Sky is encouraging spawn-sniping and griefing for annoying-new-player’s sake. This is such a bizarre design decision!

I also play WoW and engage in world PvP, sometimes winning, sometimes losing, and even this game which does reward you from PvP has the following features:

  1. Rewards for PvP. PvP isn’t guaranteed to be just in order to anger you.

  2. Reward the winner, don’t delete the entire inventory of the loser.

  3. PvP is disabled by default, and it’s an opt-in feature because not everyone likes PvP and when you are in PvP your player yells “For the Horde!”/”For the Alliance!” so that you very clearly know when PvP is on. You also get an in-game icon when PvP is on so that you know that hey, you could get attacked at any moment.

  4. Since the game was built with PvP in mind, there are certain rules for when and how you can or can’t enable and disable PvP so that you can’t just disable it if you feel like you’re losing.

No Man’s Sky has none of these things, in fact has the opposite, and it just seems like they added PvP just cause, without giving much thought about the actual gameplay aspect and experience of PvP.

Isn’t it bizarre? Opt-out, inventory wipe, non-notified, un-asked for PvP.

As a new player, I shouldn’t have to google how to disable PvP, or whether or not the game has PvP, or whether or not you lose your items, and even worse, I shouldn’t have to discover the answer to these questions without even googling it, because it makes the game less enjoyable.

submitted by /u/Noriel_Sylvire
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Patch notes: SENTINEL / from startup screen

No Man’s Sky SENTINEL brings a vast array of new features. For full details please see www.nomanssky.com.

  • 4 new varieties of Sentinel make combat more exciting and strategic.

  • Sentinels are smarter than ever, with improved navigation and the ability to deploy shields.

  • New weapons offer advanced capabilities such as enemy paralysis and damage over time.

  • A new mission chain deepens Sentinel lore and introduces personal robotic companions to fight alongside you.

  • Ominous Sentinel Pillars contain new stories, secrets, and the power to sabotage Sentinel patrols.

  • Multi-Tool slots have increased from 3 to 6, and Companion slots have increased from 6 to 18.

Hello Games has been hard at work to improve and expand No Man’s Sky. We hope you enjoy. 🙂 Thank you so much, Hello Games

Found o. Startup screen.

submitted by /u/mvallas1073
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Just a small cooking recipe idea, nothing serious

So they recently added 🇺🇸 cookies / 🇬🇧 biscuits to the game, which means Hello Games is adding new cooking recipes in their updates.

Anyways, to the point. There’s bread, with can be made by processing Dough in the Nutrient Processor. And that’s it. Dead end in the crafting tree. Which kinda surprised me a little, considering the various other types of food items that exist in the game.

I propose the category… Assemble Sandwich! At the moment I don’t have ideas for prices and consumption bonuses, but I have a few recipe ideas: – Mystery Melt: Processed Meat or Smoked Meat + Tangy Cheese + Bread – Proto-Panino: Processed Meat or Smoked Meat + ProtoCheese + Bread – Egg Salad Sandwich: Creature Egg (etc) + Steamed Vegetables + Bread – Eerie Sandwich: Larval Core + Steamed Vegetables + Bread – Starlit Sandwich: Silicon Egg + Steamed Vegetables + Bread

If anyone has any ideas for prices, consumption bonuses, or other recipes, feel free to share!

submitted by /u/CutietheCar16
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Just lost my 52 hour extreme mode save

As title says, I was playing my 52 hour extreme mode save, in Wich I had an S ship, an S sentinel freighter, and was looking for a living ship. And when I finally arrived at the planet in Wich you look for the souls, as soon as I get out of my ship, I got killed by a random guy in a ship, so if you’re reading this, thanks for ruining my save. I remind you that killing players doesn’t reward you.

submitted by /u/Brnc159
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