
Freighters are outdated & have become very buggy as a result of this!

Here’s a quick rundown of everything currently wrong with freighters.

Here’s a few ideas I’d like to see in a Freighter Overhaul update.

  • Allow multiple player freighters per system (Limit is 1 currently, but modders have shown that more is entirely possible atleast on PC) This lets us show off our frigate fleet & all the work we’ve done with this aspect of the game to other players & friends.

  • More Freighter Base Building options & decorations

  • Customizable Crew Uniforms

    • Let us decide what our Crew wear on the Freighters & Frigates.
    • Additionally let us decide crew uniforms based on Race, so the Vy’keen uniform option would be seperate from Gek & Korvax uniform option(s).
    • Maybe even expand this to Squadrons pilots as well? Although there wouldn’t be much point in this unless they landed in our freighters & walked around as well. WINK
  • Customize Frigates

    • Having a Fleet all of the same colour is really rewarding, took me awhile personally… but what if it was made easier by allowing us to customize the colour of our Frigates in a similar way to how we customize our Freighter?
    • Customize the Combat Frigate’s reinforcements ships, atleast the colours of the trail. There’s been a few times I’ve blown them out of the air due to mistaking them as pirate vessels.
  • Introduce more Frigate categories & expand Fleet size to 50 or 60 Frigates (NPC Fleets can be up to 60, why shouldn’t ours get close?)

    • Expand on the “Recon” Category of Frigates that were first introduced in Expedition 2 with the SSV Normandy SR1.
    • Add a Mining/Trading Specialized Frigate Category
    • Limit these “multi-category” frigates per type, otherwise people might completely replace their single category frigates.
    • Update Frigate missions to include something new & unique to give reason to doing them again.
  • Freighters should feel Livelier

    • I feel freighters would feel a lot more alive if your Freighter & Frigates crew would path up & down the hallways, maybe the Fleet command room has a NPC in it either sleeping on the bed, eating lunch at the table or overseeing the fleet at the terminal? Also I’d love to setup a sort of bar or Cafe kind of area & have my Freighter crew walk up & sitdown on some stools. Basically bring settlements to Freighter bases?
    • Freighter settlements would be nice, I personally try not to settle on planets because I’ve lost a few bases to major updates, definitely wouldn’t wanna lose a Planetary Settlement to one. lmao

Freighters are a great feature, I just wish they were a bit more polished & less buggy.

submitted by /u/Malkuno
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More efficient ways to farm my self some frigate fuel?

I’m not quite experienced in nms and until now i went mining the blue crystals for hydrogen and shooting asteroids for tritium. Now, slowly but surely, my frigate has expanded so much, that I am able to do all expiditions every day, which costs literal tons of fuel. Any ”Life hacks” with refining materials or so? And can you build hydrogen and Tritium farms?

submitted by /u/Bernhard__
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Fairly new and getting attacked by another player?

I understand that the internet is a cesspool where <self-censor> rule, but I was just building myself my first decent base… and I got attacked. Firstly, why? Secondly, who is this complete <self-censor> named BelgeDuCarre. Anyway, he just kept attacking me. Every time I respawned he killed me again, and I haven’t been playing long enough to be able to defend myself. This is not something I was expecting to deal with anyway. I couldn’t even escape to my ship to get away. After about the 10th time, I quit. Maybe when I reload one day, the <self-censor> won’t be there. Is this something normal that players need to deal with? *The first draft of this was deleted by the mods*

submitted by /u/SurtiPlays
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[Expedition] You don't need to find Herox

I’ve been seeing quite a few complaints about having to get Herox to repair your ship. Just thought I’d spread the word that it’s significantly easier to get than you might think.

Unlock and build a Large Refiner. Fill it with Ammonia (Very common on the starting planet), Silver (Again, very common) and Cobalt (Mine the rocks in caves to get this)

Hope this helps some of you out

submitted by /u/PhoenixGenevieve
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Everyone's been so riled up since 4.0, meanwhile I'm just filled with childlike joy that I can play ...

The conversation about tech slots and activated Indium has really sidelined just how great a job they’ve done with the Switch port.

There’s definitely some roon for improvement with the UI, touch screen integration, and expansion of custom game settings, but goddamn, the game feels really smooth considering its “only” 30fps.

And while there’s obvious graphical compromises to make this miracle port possible, its not nearly as compromised as I’d expected, and it packs in a surprising amount of detail. I notice distance objects tend to blur a little when you’re on the move, but when you come to a full stop the details sharpen up pretty quick, there’s obviously some clever ‘hierarchy’ the game has to determine what needs to look clear and what can be subordinated in a given frame. The results won’t be as flattering in a side by side with high end PCs, but it does a great job of giving your brain enough details to fill in any gaps subconsciously.

And some nice shading and lighting techniques are preserved from the main consoles /PC build, especially that sun-kissed translucent effect that massive funghi tend to have when the sun’s hitting the right angle.

The work they’ve done in previous updates on the overall scale of the world and its relative asset sizing translates well to the small screen, giving the impression of inhabiting these massive planets with imposing mountains, dense woodlands, and intimidating cave networks that feel easy to get lost in without a terrain manipulator as a last ditch “fuck outta here” measure. For a handheld game, the world it presents feels bigger than it has any right to be on such a dinky platform.

And the autosave system clearly seems designed with the Switch’s pick-up-put-down gameplay ethos. I don’t think I’ve made a single manual save since starting up a new save post-4.0. (Constructed save points still do double duty as permanent nav markers, so nothing is really lost here.) And with the new custom game parameters you can opt in to useful features that reduce the moment to moment busywork that might otherwise feel laborious in context of the ’20 minute loop’ that Switch lends itself to by its portable nature.

All in all, I’ve been playing since 2016 launch, and this is the most significant platform-driven update I’ve played since PSVR. (And we’ve still got the second-generation VR update to come!)

To be frank, I’ve often felt like I often preferred the ‘idea’ of No Man’s Sky and what it represents as a sandbox experience, rather than the more mundane reality of actually playing it. Maybe it’s the long boot times on PS4, but I often felt like the friction points of the grinding loop kept me from sinking into more substantive play sessions, and as a result I’d usually just derp around until my launch thrusters ran out, then not be bothered to go refuel, and so my playthrough would just fizzle out.

Now it’s on handheld, and it’s got custom game modifiers to tailor the moment to moment gameplay, I’ve found a sweet spot where I’m actually focused on doing the story, heading to galactic core, etc, and not getting bogged down in minutiae every time my mining laser or launch thruster runs out, nor getting slowed down by sprint being tied to life support systems. The pace of my moment to moment gameplay finally lines up with the spacefaring fantasy I picture in my head when I think about what No Man’s Sky represents.

So yeah, I think that’s pretty cool. 😊

submitted by /u/tom_oakley
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Hiya all so I can’t find the crashed freighter with Hexite on it. I know you’re meant to get co ordinariness when you install the consciousness bridge but I can’t find Hexite which I need for a refiner recipe. What animal secretes Hexite in their poo? …

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A Portal on Every Planet? Math doesn't check out...

I read somewhere that every planet has a portal on it. According to the advertising and the in-game dialog, there are over 18 quintillion planets in NMS total.

If the portal has 16 glyphs to choose from, and there are 12 glyphs in a portal address, that should be 16^12, which is over 281 trillion different portal addresses. So I read somewhere else there are 256 galaxies, and the portals are only intra-galaxy (cannot portal you to a different galaxy than the source), so if we multiply 281 trillion by 256, we get roughly 72 quadrillion portal addresses spread over the 256 galaxies. That’s 3 orders of magnitude shy of 18 quintillion.

Is some of this information incorrect, or am I missing something else? Or could it be that not every planet has a portal? I would think some of the barren ones might not, since they seem to have no other buildings, but I don’t usually spend much time on them.

I would think it’s not realistically possible for anyone to scour an entire planet manually searching for a portal, so it would be extremely difficult to visually prove that no portal exists on any given planet, but unless some of those numbers are wrong, I would think it has to be that some planets don’t contain portals.

Just feeling extra math-nerdy tonight, and was curious if anyone had any information about the claim that every planet had a portal.

submitted by /u/kane8997
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