
A life saving tip for the expedition

I’ve seen a lot of posts in the past 2 days about people getting stuck hours away from their base, on top of mountains, in the middle of the ocean or chased by sentinel. Here is how you should prepare. The Nomad exocraft is extremely useful this expedition and should be the first thing you put down after you land on your building site. It can climb literally vertical cliff, float on surface of water and very hard to get stuck inside caves. It’s also the second fastest exocraft. So, other than ferite and copper, you should stock up on parafinium to build the station, and pre-crafting metal plating before you leave a planet.

submitted by /u/CeReAl_KiLleR128
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Work in progress, multilayered base, more photo in comments

Work in progress, multilayered base, more photo in comments

I just wanted to share my work in progress, and maybe see what people thought or if they had any cool ideas they could share. I am also looking for a name for the base. I guess my concept of it, was to build a little multilayered town.

The pods, and glass tunnels, I guess you could say are a hamster layout. In my mind it is for the rich. Then you go to the ground underneath and it’s more markets and scummy. From there you can enter kind of a mind shaft turned into living quarters and kind of raider bar down in the cave. The goal is to expand the mine/cave so it’s like a very slummy city underneath.

For me this is early build while I slowly work on it. I would love to know what people think and there ideas. Cheers …… always flying high

submitted by /u/bilbo420baggins420
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When did the amount of frigates you can own change?

I have had this save for a couple years. The last time I played this save i remember selling a couple C class frigates to make more room for better ones. I recently started playing again and I picked up where i left off, buying frigates. But I was not able to buy any becouse the ”buy icon” wouldnt show up. Anyways I found out you can own a maximum of 30 frigates. I curently own 31 and I asume at some point I was up to 37. When did they change this?

submitted by /u/Daan-Bakbanaan
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Desperate please for room scale VR support or a mod to fix it

I jumped into VR yesterday and wow, the game play great. Except for 1 constant frustration while playing; the HUD does not move with your head, so you have to constantly re-align it to see it. If you turn on being able to see your full body (which is a great immersive feature for VR for sure), your head get’s twisted up as well. Why hasn’t this been corrected yet? I remember complaining about this when VR support was first added on my old HTC Vive. Surely this is a quick simple update to fix right? Or a simple mod? It makes on-foot VR annoying to play.

Are there any MOD solutions, or config solutions to this? Anything at all I can do to negate this annoyance? I would really love to spend some extended time in VR as it looks and runs great, but this is kind of a deal breaker for long term play in VR. I’ve finally gotten into this game in flat but I really want this to be another VR game I can spend hours in. Desperate for any solutions here.

submitted by /u/DNedry
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Hunting for an S-class freighter is the most frustrating and boring experience in the game. How abou...

Title. I’ve recently gotten back into the game and did a hell of a lot of grinding and building. Made 2 farms to make 400 mil every day, got and upgraded S-class ships and Multitools, upgraded my inventory etc. No matter how long it took, I always made at least a little progress so it was fun and rewarding. Reloading again and again for that tiny % to get that s-class freighter you want feels like being stuck in a nightmare loop. Every time you take minutes to fight the ships or dreadnought only to be met with an ABC class and a disappointed reload, leaving you with nothing to show for the time spent.

We should be able to upgrade freighters or have other ways to work towards the class desired, even if it takes a while to accomplish. At least then you’re working towards something and don’t get denied by RNG cause idk, it’s just not fun. 2 hours of doing this is 2 hours wasted. No other progress. Because the alternative is getting one battle every 3 hours which is absolutely worse.

submitted by /u/Touhokujin
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Hey, I'm new to the game

Hey everyone, I just started the game yesterday and I’m still in the tutorial where you build your first base. I was wondering how far I should play the main story before doing other stuff. I read somewhere that you get blueprints form the main mission, so I want to get those asap. At what point in the main quest is that?

Also what are your favourite things to do in the game? I need some ideas, but I definitely want to get into base building. I played starfield before this and was really disappointed in the lack of impact of the outposts there. I basically want to try everything the game offers at least once to see if I like it. Also any tips for a new player like me? Or mistakes to avoid?

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/IsabellSigma
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Found an interesting system

Found an interesting system

I’ve found an interesting system, in my opinion, because I’ve never encountered so much loaded system. It consists of:

  • A black hole;
  • A nice “green” paradise planet with salt and metal fingers;
  • A dissonant planet with pyrite, cobalt, and curious deposits;
  • A second dissonant planet with ammonia and magnesite ferrite;
  • A foaming planet with gold and silver;

Maybe it is not that interesting for those who play alot, but happy to share with you.



submitted by /u/ognev-dev
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Black hole jumping to the centre of the Galaxy - a few things I found last night.

Black hole jumping to the centre of the Galaxy - a few things I found last night.

As the title mentions, I’m currently trying to make my way to the centre of my 2nd galaxy – Hilbert Dimension. I want to do this as I reset the simulation on the main quest and it took me here. Anyway, here are a couple of things I (and maybe you?) have found interesting along the way.

  1. First time I’ve seen this particular anomaly.
  2. My first volcanic eruption.
  3. An unclaimed paradise planet if anyone wants to claim it? (I already have a paradise base in Hilbert, so I did not stop by.)

4+5. This was one of the models outside the multitool upgrade specialist in a space station. Has anyone seen that helmet before? I don’t think I have it, but I think I want it.

Yesterday, I also found my first already discovered system in Hilbert, it contained a black hole so I used it and I came out in another system also discovered by the same person. I didn’t realise black holes had a set path, I thought they were random.

So easy to lose time with this game!!

A bit of an anomaly

My first live volcano

Paradise Planet – up for grabs

What is this helmet?

Where can I get this helmet?

submitted by /u/RiverKnight2018
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