NMS HOT POST 2023/11/9

Such a Thing as "Too Rare"

In general, I'm pretty content with the rarity of things in this game – it all feels like, if you do properly search and play the system, you can get what it is you want, regardless of type, Class, whatever.

The exception, in my eyes, is different Multi-Tool types.

I have scoured all A-Class Multi-Tools of thirty-four systems at this point. That is, I have scoured the A-Class Multi-Tool… of EVERY planet… in THIRTY-FOUR systems… and have found not a single Experimental, not a single Alien, not a single Royal, not a single Staff, not a single Atlantid…

… in fact, after fine-combing thirty-four systems' A-Class Multi-Tools, I have found three Sentinel Multi-Tools and otherwise only Rifles and Pistols.

While I generally seriously appreciate the rarity of the game's greatest and most desirable things… too much is too much. This really is ridiculous.

submitted by /u/Anvanaar
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


Stuff I Really wish I'd known....

Just browsing and some of the “well duh” and “are you serious???” Things I REALLY wish I’d known earlier.

— note: feel free to shout out more stuff, I’ll keep updating this list, the idea is to have a one stop shop for us to keep the stuff we really wish we’d known.

Additional sources;



1 – You can up the qty of things you build at once (on ps4/5 it’s the r1, l1 buttons) – Verified.

2 – The indium drive includes a cadmium and emeril. You only need 1 drive, this one. – verified

3 – Atlas pass 3 will unlock atlas 1 and 2 doors/containers. – verified.

4 – You need an indium drive to use a galactic centre for any galaxy after the first 8 – semi-verifed.

5 – Residual goop -> viscous fluid -> living slime -> runaway mould -> nantes (refining) – verified.

6 – rusted metal refines into ferrite dust

7 – When you’re offline every system is a first contact (some expeditions need this) – verified. – note, offline here means disconnect your PC/Console from the internet, so unplug its’ network cable, or switch off its’ wifi.

8 – you can upgrade your exosuit for next to nothing using a scanner mod on the Nomad exocraft (guide below by Fitz & Yarnham) – Verified

9 – You can use the Catalouge to filter your scanner to specific elements – DEBUNKED – it will provide a tool tip to tell you where you’re likely to find it, but won’t filter the scanner.

10 – Adding oxygen or carbon to a large refiner will up the output significantly – unverified

11 – there are 50 slots in a nutrient processor where you can store food and food type items. – verified

12 – you can refine salvaged data into nanites – Verified – 15 nanites per data

13 – mods on sale in a station re-stock when you reload the game. – unverified

14 – make the beam on your terrain manipulator small, you get a lot more resources. – Verified – on PS4/5 select terrain manipulator, and repeatedly tap L1 to make it as small as possible, you’ll need to refuel it more often.

15 – Terrain Manipulator can be refuled with silicate {don’t waste ferrite!!!} – Verified

16 – one that’s come up a lot in the other threads… You. Can. Sprint. – verified.

17 – the “Base Archive plans” mission in your log is a good way to pad out your blueprints without spending salvaged data, and it will unlock storage boxes. (Guide below by AcrazyDude) – Verified.

18 – Melee’ing then using your jetpack {as the animation is still going} will push you further in your initial jump. – Verified

19 – Planets that have “Curious deposits” contain deposits of “runaway mould” – this refined directly into Nanites – these planets really need to be saved, build a base here!!

20 – Grab the glowing cubes on the tables – can be exchanged for planetary charts – Verified.

21 – your multi-tool mining laser will be much more effective just before it overheats, if you pulse it on and off as it’s really hot to let it cool down, but not too much, you’ll mine much faster – Verified.

submitted by /u/TOAOLightstar
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No end to the No Man's Sky addiction...and I don't want it to end.

No end to the No Man's Sky addiction...and I don't want it to end.

Let’s be clear here…

I absolutely am addicted to No Man’s Sky…and I love it! I originally purchased the game at launch on the PS4 system. Played for a few hours and wasn’t impressed then dropped it. Fast forward nearly 5-6 years later (and now migrated to PC/Steam gaming) I decided to purchase the game a day or two before posting this. Not exactly sure what peaked my interest in the game. Didn’t see/read about any updates or videos regarding the game, just simply wanted to play it again. So I purchased it…..BEST.DECISION.EVER.! I can’t put the game down. I put hours into the game without realizing and continue to put many more. During the short period of time of owning No Man’s Sky, I have already put 20 hours in! I still feel like I have yet to scratch the surface! The addition of multiplayer is amazing. The farming and exploration loop is highly addictive. I still feel like I am aimlessly wandering as I explore and discover upgrades for my ship, exo-suit, and multi-tool. However, it is incredibly fun. Gaming has been a bit dull lately with the current releases and nothing peaked my interest. This game has managed to magically capture that sense of child-like fun I use to experience in the early days of gaming. Wanting to spend hours upon hours without getting bored. Don’t worry I do take regular breaks in sessions and attempt to pry my fingers away from the keyboard to get some sleep before waking up the next day to continue the No Man’s Sky grind.

All I got to say is….I love this game! Anyone else addicted?

(I created a Reddit account soley because I wanted to share this!)

Me by the ship I just bought! 12 mil units!

submitted by /u/iCrytastic
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Patch notes: SENTINEL / from startup screen

No Man’s Sky SENTINEL brings a vast array of new features. For full details please see www.nomanssky.com.

  • 4 new varieties of Sentinel make combat more exciting and strategic.

  • Sentinels are smarter than ever, with improved navigation and the ability to deploy shields.

  • New weapons offer advanced capabilities such as enemy paralysis and damage over time.

  • A new mission chain deepens Sentinel lore and introduces personal robotic companions to fight alongside you.

  • Ominous Sentinel Pillars contain new stories, secrets, and the power to sabotage Sentinel patrols.

  • Multi-Tool slots have increased from 3 to 6, and Companion slots have increased from 6 to 18.

Hello Games has been hard at work to improve and expand No Man’s Sky. We hope you enjoy. 🙂 Thank you so much, Hello Games

Found o. Startup screen.

submitted by /u/mvallas1073
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I am absolutely blown away by how good this runs on Switch

I’ve got about 2000 hours between Xbox and PC. I bought the Switch version on launch and it was so-so. I mean I didn’t really expect MUCH in the way of performance.

Must have been one of the recent updates, but holy HELL how did the developers do this!? Between game engine optimization and the raw talent of the HG team, I am beside myself.

I don’t want to reach too deep into my pocket full of dreams but I hope Light No Fire comes to Switch as well. I was literally about to sell my OLED last week until I fired up NMS again.

submitted by /u/WoodenTeef
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