Why isn't my settlement S tier?

I recently claimed a planetary settlement as mine after saving it from a sentinel attack. It was a B class when I found it and I was able to upgrade it to A class. But how do I make it S tier? Citizen happiness is 100%, productivity is 1 million units, population is at 54 inhabitants, maintainance costs are around 100k-150k units (if that matters), no debt, I only have positive modifiers and whenever a visitor shows up with new technology or gifts I take them (without getting debt or other cons). I improved the city a lot since I first found it, paying off a huge debt, building stuff, discovering technologies and so on. What am I doing wrong? Why isn’t it S class?

submitted by /u/MisteriousGuy1
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Did I get burned? Optical Drill Gone

So I came by a small building with a vendor and a gun bay. There was a pistol for sale or exchange. It appeared to have an optical Drill attached. The gun wasn’t better than the one I had but I wanted that add-on. I bought the weapon for 130k units but once it was in my possession it no longer had the add-on. What am I missing here?

Edit: I did a restore and got my units back and checked out the gun and it definitely has an optical drill attached as well as a Technology Supercharged Combat Scope. When I bought it before though neither of these add-ons were on the gun…only a couple add-ons that I already have on my primary weapon. ¯⁠\⁠(⁠°⁠_⁠o⁠)⁠/⁠¯

submitted by /u/Bio-Rhythm
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How to you grind guild levels? Are they worth?

I have like 100 hours in the game (granted most of it spent on building my factories and home) and still can’t do most of those guild missions. I raided one Vykeen freighter for like 5 minutes and got more standing with outlaws than any other guild, while i try to take all the easy missions that are on the stations. I don’t even know where to check guild level tbh.

So how you grind it? Is it worth grinding?

submitted by /u/keszotrab
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Does anyone else get obsessed over the electrical design of their bases?

I’ve been making my floating island base bigger and better before I move on with the storyline, and the thing that absolutely tickles me the most is fiddling with the electrical systems.

The core of the base is a 4-story tower made of round Deepwater modules with lots of branching arms connecting other rooms in a series of stacked figure-eights. Top floor is my office, big teleport portal, and save point. Bottom is entrances and a short teleport to the top. Middle floors have staircase access from the outside and one is the “power room” with 8 batteries. Those batteries are charges by a collection of 11 solar panels mounted on the roofs of 3 of the outlying modules. But you see, that’s only the backups. A measely 275kp!

No, waaaay down below my floating island, and on the shore of the lake beneath it, there was a power hotspot just barely inside the base range. That’s where I built the “power plant.” A gorgeous wooden building with sail roofs that houses nine Electromagnetic Generators pumping out a combined 1300kp. This feeds into a distribution panel with control lights that lets me switch the main power off and on at will. And then this runs through a single battery acting as a test rectifier, and then flows down a cable on the lakebed until it runs right under the edge of the floating island, where I built an underwater “power sub-station” in a natural crevice at the bottom of the lake. This facility is a single deepwater chamber holding six batteries and a short range teleporter that connects to the power plant for maintenance. A small, T-shaped tower projects just above the water’s surface with ladders and an access hatch from the lake itself. And in the upper section is a set of 8 Biofuel Reactors that can supply emergency power.

And then I ran miles of wires and complicated circuits that let me control all of this energy flow from my desk at the top of the base tower. Switching from main, to auxiliary, to backup, or even putting the whole base on lockdown. There’s even a booby trap for prisoners. It’s a short range teleporter that looks important but only turns on if the base is in lockdown mode, and if anyone steps into it they get teleported into a single glass cuboid on the bottom of the lake, where a proximity switch circuit sees them and shuts off the teleporter inside so they can’t get back out.

submitted by /u/AcidOverlord
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