I have a type.

I acquired Red my first hour in, Green at about 95 hours in, and Yellow at roughly 115 hours, relatively soon after. Red and Green have R2 units and TIE Advanced X-1 wings. Yellow has asymmetrical paint on the boosters, which I’ve never seen befo…

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So I ran into several of these in this one system today and lemme tell ya, they’re even more gruesome in person.

Upon meeting it, it let out an enormous red belch (screen 2), so immediately consulted my traveller’s guide and it said:


So good traveller that I am, I pew pewed it and it turned its hideous abysmal horror single red eye at me (screen 3 and 4) and started nom nomming my spaceship’s shield like it was cotton candy at the fair.

Didn’t even make a dent in it despite using my go-to for abysmal horrors and shooting it directly in its ugly eyeball.

If you want to try to tame this one eyed monster (cough), it’s in Eissentam in the Marinbab system (ironically one planet is named sour — no I did not name it), glyphs in final photo.

Be safe out there!

submitted by /u/gohome2020youredrunk
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