214 plants and all I get is 14 circuit boards (12.827 million Units) per day 😬

214 plants and all I get is 14 circuit boards (12.827 million Units) per day 😬

My previous 1320 venom urchin farm got me multiple times more money. But on the other hand, that needs much more plants that count towards the structure limit.

I don’t want a big stasis farm or something, I want to keep it somewhat simple to make money. I’m already sending frigates out. I find it boring to find and sell ships.

submitted by /u/SquareFroggo
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Nom nom

Somebody looks hungry. Pretty neat deep space encounter. For size scale, look closely towards the tongue and you’ll see the piece of chewing gum that is my ship. submitted by /u/Key-Active-8170 [link] [comments]

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Ship cycling needed on Starship Outfitting Terminal

It’s so annoying having to run around manually jumping into ships to select which one to scrap or upgrade. Have there been any discussion about allowing us to select which starship to modify/scrap aboard space stations via the outfitting terminal or something? Feels weird that such an obvious feature doesn’t exist(or does it and I’m just blind??)

EDIT: Please let us cycle between our owned ships in the terminal so we can quickly upgrade/scrap our rustbuckets!

submitted by /u/Kitousha
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