Unsolicited opinion on how to make NMS better: Improve the galaxy map & my sense of place

Take this with a huge grain of salt, because I come from Elite Dangerous as well as a few other space games (which I no longer really play).

While I agree NMS has its own emphasis (on base building, survival) and is not fair to compare to sim-like games (Elite, Star Citizen, etc).

One thing that has always bothered me, is the vastness of the galaxy in NMS, but I have no (or little) sense of place in the galaxy, and no “sandbox reason” to plot a particular course (other than maybe one mission sending me a hop away, or one of the general story lines automating my pathway). Additionally, I despise the UI and interactions of the galaxy map.. simply selecting a place to go, understanding its direction etc… I find it awkward and confusing.

If I’m playing it wrong, or just missing some details, so be it, I’m happy to hear suggestions.

My suggestion:

Allow for zooming out and interactions with the map that make me more positionally aware, allow me to bookmark better on the actual map (rather than just list of teleport spots from a teleport). Have the galaxy map sliced into named regions. Have economies, resources, mission types, rare items, compel me to explore and travel bigger distances and custom plot paths.. Basically anything that gives more purpose to where I am relative to my position in the whole galaxy (beyond just heading towards the center). (I understand that certain system types are more likely to have thing X, or Y… but it feels so random and always a jump away, still no reason to explore in the way that seems fulfilling to me)

No matter how enormous the galaxy is, it’s kind of irrelevant to me if I don’t actually care where I am (which in today’s NMS I really don’t), and don’t have more reasons to plot pathways to known areas.

submitted by /u/cmndr_spanky
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I really wish they would dedicated the next update to bug fixes and patches because what good is con...

I came back after 5 years because I got excited seeing all of the content they had. After 2 days…. I’ve fell through my freighter to my death in space, running into walls that aren’t even there, friends walking through my freighter walls, my starship completely disappeared from my list (lost the starship, inventory, and all of my s class upgrades, also a unique the Crystal Wing), friends can land on my freighter but can’t see me. Game shows that my brother is currently hosting multi-player but he is asleep and clearly isn’t, i found a broken s class sentinel ship but couldnt interact with it and could walk through it like it wasnt there (i actually reloaded my autosave and was able to get the ship WITHOUT repairing it, was just automatically added to my list and when i clicked transfer my items, my ship just disappeared like houdini. I am EXTREMELY thankful they give all of these updates for free but what good is additional content if it’s so buggy you can’t enjoy it? I wish they would focus more on performance for once instead of content. I feel like it’s the equivalent of focusing on graphics rather than gameplay. They are focusing on content rather than performance it seems.

I play on pc with a ryzen 7 5800k and 24gb ram and a Gtx 1050 on the lowest settings nearly (i know its a super old card, just dont have funds to get a new one) and still get 10fps on planets and 25fps if I’m in space. At first I thought it was my pc but then my 2 friends whom use xbox one and ps4 have similar issues. They couldn’t explore my freighter because of invisible walls blocking them. I’ve also had my starship dock in the same spot as my friends so the were clipping through eachother. I freaking love this game but I’m so destroyed inside because it’s almost unplayable. I don’t mind bugs, I actually expect them, no game is perfect but when game breaking bugs occur, then that’s when I have an issue.

To anyone who plays on permadeath, mad respect because I died by falling through the floor of my freighter. If I was playing permadeath, I would have broken my keyboard and punched a hole through my monitor.

Sorry about the rant. I really REALLY love this game but it’s borderline unplayable because I keep losing stuff and can’t get it back. Yes I have also had to reload autosaves just so I don’t lose stuff but it’s hard to tell when a bug will occur.

submitted by /u/nunhappy
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Am I the only one that gets tired of the "mile wide, inch deep" crowd?

I agree that everyone has things they would love to see in NMS. Mine is actual humanoid enemies. The game is also very easy as games go, but that hardly means it lacks depth.

The frigate missions read like synopsis shorts of star trek episodes and get my brain imagining all sorts of wild imagery of the adventure my frigate crews embarked on.

The lore is actually pretty in depth and fleshy when you really start reading all of the artifact descriptions and looking into the lore of the game.

You can see NPC’s mining in space, can literally roll up on your frigates while they are out on missions. It would be cool to see them actually doing things, but that’s what a little imagination is for.

You can be a pirate, a fleet captain, an overseer of a town where you can see NPC’s running about with thought bubbles that flesh out what they are up to (I feel like dying on the hill that you don’t see them actually doing anything is just saying you lack imagination and want the game to think for you), a bounty hunter, a worker for your local space station, a member of the Anomaly. The list goes on.

Yes, I get that the stuff to do becomes repetitive, but honestly what game doesn’t.

Personally there is no game like No mans sky or has the amount of stuff to do that NMS provides in the way that it does. With more updates to come and no end in sight with continuous new stuff to do, it just seems like people are creating an illusion that the game is shallow to convince themselves it’s not worth playing.

Rant over.

submitted by /u/Maxpowers2009
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