NMS HOT POST 2022/01/7

TIL: You can repeatedly use Star Charts until a distress beacon (ship) appears

I really enjoy flying around and recovering crashed ships, but when I use a star chart odds are, it’s usually an abandoned building, so off I go, get there, do the thing, then use another one…..

I just found out you can keep using the chart and it’ll tag one of each object type. I.e, abandoned building, crashed ship, crashed freighter etc.

If the RNG brings up another object you’ve already got on the map, then it’ll fail and show an error, but keep using the chart and then you’ll get the other item types.

Word of warning, I did this a few times on the same planet and ended up going back to a distress signal I’d already visited and there was no ship there.

May be obvious but after 80 hours I just found it out.

God speed interlopers

submitted by /u/Skarabrae1
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


Wanted to post a funny story.

I spent about 2 hours yesterday looking for “the perfect planet” to build my first real base on. I found it, and it is GORGEOUS. Beautiful glowing floral, rolling hills, those bubble things that are so pretty, etc. I’m extremely happy with it. I then found the settlement using a map, and decided that for roleplaying purposes, I wanted to build my house/base on the hill overlooking the settlement and be its overseer.

I couldn’t apply for overseer because I needed ONE more convergence cube, not a huge deal. I casually browsed google to figure out how to get one.

I pulled the game back up, and IT HAPPENED. In the text feed, I saw that another player whose name I won’t post landed on “my” planet. I start to get frantic. I go to the settlement and the player is looking at the hub, presumably trying to apply as overseer. 18 quintillion planets. 18 QUINTILLION. And someone manages to find the one that I spent half the day preparing. I wave at the player and type in the chat, no response.

I frantically Google how to get another convergence cube. I spend about an hour pulling my hair out with no success, FREAKING OUT because I assume all my hard work will be swept away by some other player that’s probably way more experienced than me. Not a high bar, as I’m pretty new. The entire time I’m frantically searching, the other player’s starship AND frigate loom ominously over my hard-found settlement on “the perfect planet” that i worked so hard to find. I realize I read something wrong in my neurotic, frantic spazzyess and easily get one. I go back to the settlement, apply, and everything is fine.

My heart rate dropped back to non-heart-attach inducing levels. I begun building my beautiful home and managing the settlement. All is right in the world. 18 QUINTILLION planets, and the first time I see another player aside from in the anomaly, they found the ONE planet I care about.

Horrible experience. Tons of anxiety. Racing heart. Questioned life at its core. 11/10, would recommend.

submitted by /u/Vertical-Toast
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