As a day 1 player, I scream - Please focus planets and exploration

I have been through the game in nearly all of its permutations for a regular 4 years since launch. Participated in Waking Titan, in theorycrafting, all of it. Still use my day 1 save nearly all the time. I welcomed every new feature with open arms. The expeditions – chef’s kiss. Various features like derelict freighters and changes to base building – great. This patch, from a lore perspective – amazing! The customization and combat features – excellent! Hell, I even got a kick out of some stuff I missed, like the settlements.

But over time, every instance of my return to the game has been less lengthy until I began outright skipping more and more patches (been almost 2 years until I returned to this one) as the one thing I wanted to see in patch notes was nowhere to be seen.

Planet generation and exploration, at present, feel formulaic and sterile.

I don’t even have to visit a cold planet to know what it looks like. it’s the exact same every time with a difference in tree density. I barely have to visit a lush planet as they are mostly recycled between themselves and every single one has superheated storms. With very little difference, I am seeing the exact same generation and planets I have been seeing since around NEXT came out. The very same building blocks. They do not feel like planets, they feel like biomes. Animals are great to ride and befriend, but wild animals behave and look the exact same as in launch – chaotic.

I want to sink my teeth deep into developing my character, my journey, my fleet, my base and my empire. Hell, even finally commit to a galaxy center permadeath run. But what is the point if the exploration feels dead and if I feel like I’ve traversed every single planet a dozen times before? What was supposed to be the main attraction of the game and the expectation of millions of permutations has been, as of now, completely abandoned for the sake of easier introduction of new features in predictable worlds.

So I ask – can Hello Games crown all the great features they introduced over the years with an actual planet and animal generation overhaul? Can they truly give us long term explorers some new wonders to gaze in this endless universe? Can they, at last, provide the universe the depth that matches its width, even at the cost of a universe reset?

I believe they can and I hope they will.

submitted by /u/WildingTenay
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Locking up and possibly corrupting saves on Xbox

Recently been seeing a significant number of people posting about hard locks and losing/corrupting their saves since Echoes. Don’t know if other platforms are experiencing this at all, and don’t know how common it is, but I’m seeing enough of it that when I started getting locked up I decided to give it a rest until it gets fixed. Just posting this in the hopes that someone who might otherwise wind up losing their main save to this could hold off for a few days or a week and save themselves a lot of grief.

And if you’re having these problems and/or have lost a save due to this, please report it to the Hello Games zendesk. I’m sure they probably have heard plenty about it already, but it helps to let them know how widespread things are (or aren’t).

submitted by /u/Bright_Swordfish4820
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Cheers to Hello Games

I’ve been here for a while but it’s my first time making a post like this.

I know there are some bugs and some of you haven’t seen the new content yet but let me say this: the bugs are all minor and will be fixed soon, with the sheer amount of content that has been released a lot of things could go wrong but didnt’t and I’m honestly impressed with one of the biggest updates I’ve seen since Oranges.

They integrated the scanner mechanic from the past expedition very well and now harmonic camps have more backstory, purpose and life; we also finally have a good reason to harvest atlantideum and visit Korvax ruins.

I like the fact that there are more interactions both on planets (variety doesn’t need to come necessarly in the shape of terrain generation) and in space (pirates aren’t anymore a few rogue ships and feel like a real force in the galaxy).

The autophages have a lot of potential and a good backstory, if the story will go in the direction I think we’ll be able to see a lot of cool things.

The new aesthetics are great, I went full on with the ‘ancient wanderer’ theme and it looks gorgerous.

Y’all, I don’t know what to add, while many updates feel like updates, this one feels like an upgrade and I’m hyped for the incoming expedition.

Have fun travelers!

submitted by /u/clavenax
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As a former ED player the new space combat is a massive step forward.

Just want to say that adding the ability to toggle power to your shields/weapons etc.. while basic in comparison to other space Sims. It’s a massive step in the right direction.

I used to play a lot of elite dangerous and this is something I missed from space combat. I often felt like no man’s sky was a glorified version of space invaders where I was battling the equivalent to space gnats. A mediocre distraction at best.

Being able to engage in huge space battles, battle and destoy pirate freighters and have to think about it a bit more while having to tactically assign power to your systems is the first time I’ve seen Hello Games add genuine depth to one of the core systems. It’s a massive step forward for players who want expanded deeper gameplay.

I’m hoping this continues into exploration.. crafting and deeper mechanics for the other systems.

submitted by /u/Jtenka
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If you could make No Man's Sky your "perfect" space game. What changes would you like to m...

To preface this, I absolutely adore the game. But like most games we play there’s always personal changes you’d make to it to make it your ideal game. This is what I’d love to see in NMS.

-1. I’d love to see a more realistic representation of the size and distance of space within a star system. When you look at planets in our real-life solar system they show up as nothing more than a speck of light given their distance away. A way you could do this in game is planets show up as little highlighted specks of light in space, you use the scanner in your ship which has an attached hyper-advanced telescope, you zoom in on the planet and then you’re able to see what it actually looks like and scan it’s resources. Then you use your pulse engine and that little speck of light quickly expands to the size of a planet considering you’re moving nearly the speed of light to get there. I feel like this would be very satisfying and immersive giving a real sense of scale.

-2. Asteroid landing and construction. There’s already a billion asteroids in each system, I wish that there were always a few large asteroids floating around that you had the ability to land, walk around and base-build on. It would just add a lot more variety to what people build and come up with.

-3. Space station building and space walks. Though you can build on your Freighter. I wish you could literally create a space station in the vacuum of space just like the ISS or wherever your imagination takes you. Then added with that I think the ability to just float in the endless expanse with nothing but your suit and thrusters to keep you from floating away… Frictionless for eternity.

-4. STARS!!! Seriously like we need the ability to pulse to the star in each system. Obviously you can’t land on it, but it would be a great opportunity to find rare items or do dangerous missions. Think, the star gravity could be a constant threat once you get close enough to it where you’ll need to use your engine boost just to get out of its gravity well, once you get close enough it starts destroying your ships technology and if you get sucked in, well game over.

-5. Gas planets. This kind of ties into the stars, obviously you can’t land on it without dying… By getting imploded by gravity…. This would just add another element of variety to each system and with that the gas planets could still have moons you can land on with a gas giant lighting up the sky. Also there could be another cool way to harvest resources from the gas planet… Maybe a starship gas vacuum-harvester 😂.

-6. Planets with multiple biomes and actual rivers.. This is pretty self explanatory. But yeah correct me if I’m wrong but I have yet to ever witness a planet with actual rivers. It’s always just bodies of water.

-7.(This is more of what Hello Games could just add to a simple update) More RNG assets for star ship parts and animals just to add more unique visual variety to the many ships and animals we see. Sometimes the stuff you see feels very “same-y”.

That’s about all! Forgive me for the novel. I’d love to hear what kind of ideas you guys come up with!

Safe travels.

submitted by /u/Dinoboy707
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