Fractal 4.12

Hello everyone, Thank you to everyone playing the Fractal Update, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk or console crash reporting. We are listening closely to your feedback, and have identified and resolved a number of issues. These fixes are included in patch 4.12, which will be live on… View Article

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planet exploration has become forgotten by hello games

looking through some of these pictures i wonder why hello games took all of this away it can’t be for base building as you could still have some flat terrain to build on i think some of these pictures have more variation in the terrain then what we see in the current version https://www.flickr.com/photos/blakespot/albums/72157677126635937/page1 i wonder if hello games will ever update the planet terrain generation and add some new biomes with new flora and fauna assets

submitted by /u/OkBat6258
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A life saving tip for the expedition

I’ve seen a lot of posts in the past 2 days about people getting stuck hours away from their base, on top of mountains, in the middle of the ocean or chased by sentinel. Here is how you should prepare. The Nomad exocraft is extremely useful this expedition and should be the first thing you put down after you land on your building site. It can climb literally vertical cliff, float on surface of water and very hard to get stuck inside caves. It’s also the second fastest exocraft. So, other than ferite and copper, you should stock up on parafinium to build the station, and pre-crafting metal plating before you leave a planet.

submitted by /u/CeReAl_KiLleR128
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Props to my hero

So I’m not even sure if my new hero reads this Reddit. But they saved my expedition. And I wanted to acknowledge them. Long story short phase 3 stuck on an island in the middle of an ocean with zero launch thruster fuel, and empty launch thrusters. (When you have thrusters rechargers on your main game you take thruster fuel for granted) I had no options no chromatic metal to build a base. No exocraft. And I was an 11 hour walk to my base. I was seriously stranded. Then I happen to see an interloper in the area. I took the chance and messaged them politely asking for assistance. This outstanding individual came to my aid and rescued me with 2 launch thruster fuels. Absolutely saved my bacon. And my expedition. I don’t want to mention their name. Privacy and all. But I hope they read this and know that the help they gave a random person is so very much appreciated. Proof positive that this is the best community in gaming. I’m a day one player before we had multi-player and I’m so glad this game has it now cause this community is amazing. And to my hero thank you again for saving my expedition I only hope that I am able to pass it forward and help someone else.

submitted by /u/Shattered_Edge
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